Jan A. Manon is an American author of fantasy, science fiction, and suspense stories and books. She is also a pilot, skier, designer, and software engineer. Hailing from Burlington, Vermont, Jan wrote and published her first book at four.

Jan has created graphics, editorial content, and marketing campaigns for companies, studios, and universities for 28 years and apps and user interfaces for the last 17 years. She is a self-taught software engineer who has redesigned aeronautical and automotive interfaces for leading companies. On the sidelines, Jan is working on her first fantasy novel, The Stowaway (slated for a 2024 launch).


Previously, Jan worked as an editor at three publishing houses. She also wrote a WSJ bestselling personal finance and investment book, two historical fiction novels, and 14 privately published, business books on entrepreneurs and management training for clients.

At 28, she founded her own company, Elf™. Elf™ provides design, app, audio, technology, and digital services for businesses. Most days, she’s working on client projects and building business partnerships and investments as CEO of Elf™. Jan is also a keen investor. Elf’s R&D unit, Star Labs™, is focused on developing renewable energy solutions. www.elf.agency

In addition to designing apps for every digital screen, Jan’s recent design work includes all things aviation. A keen aviator, Jan’s love of flying has drawn her to designing airplanes, aeronautical elements, specialized aircraft equipment, and redesigning airport terminals and landing pads through Skye™.

Elf has a visual magazine, Hayden’s™ www.haydensm.com (9M audience worldwide), and an upcoming podcast Stardust on Apple Podcasts, focused on the craft of storytelling, featuring in-depth interviews with musicians, cinematographers, and directors.

Jan has her BA from Emory University in ecology and arts after initially studying pre-medicine. She also attended Lincoln College at Oxford University for literature and studied business at Stanford for a year.

In her downtime, Jan loves to linger over a good meal with loved ones, walk or hike, swim in the ocean, explore a new area, or play with friends and dogs. She also enjoys yoga, reading, and gardening. On adventurous days, she takes a backcountry trip out west or heads to Schweiz, Norge, Sverige, or the Bahamas for a change in scenery. Coffee’s usually involved. Jan occasionally models for ski wear and modern apparel.

Connect: hello@janmanon.com


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I love to collaborate on significant projects. Here’s a list of some ideas. Please feel free to get in touch at hello@janmanon.com.


Currently, I am working on a fantasy novel. The book will be available to read in 2024 at last!  — Jan Manon